National Manufacturing Month – Growth Mindset
October is Manufacturing Month, a time to celebrate what modern manufacturing is all about, and to inspire the next generation about manufacturing careers. One attribute that every manufacturer needs is a growth mindset – a feeling that you can learn, develop yourself and teach yourself new skills with hard work and dedication. Today, Kevin Meehan focuses on how Edge Technologies has leveraged a growth mindset to improve our processes and develop better solutions for our customers.
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October is National Manufacturing Month. As we reach our third and final video to celebrate this occasion, we explore the importance of knowledge sharing and training...
We're super excited to share about a special order from a customer way up north on our Rebel 80 Servo v3 bar feeder for an application to slug load the known candy...
October is Manufacturing Month. For our second video, we explore collaboration and teamwork. In many manufacturing operations, people from very different disciplines...